The Questing Beast

"The Questing Beast (or Beast Galtisant) is a fantastic and bizarre creature who haunted the forests of Britain. It was said to have the head of a serpent, the body of a leopard and cloven hooves. From its belly came a deafening noise similar to that of thirty hounds.

One day while Arthur was sleeping by a spring, he awoke to the Beast drinking from the spring. When the beast stopped drinking he began to bray, filling the forest with the sounds of his howling. The beast than wandered back into the forest. As Arthur looked after it, King Pellinore emerged from the forest. He hastily explained to Arthur that he was in pursuit of the beast. Pellinore had been in relentless pursuit of the beast for the past year and vowed to continue his quest until he captured it or he met his death. Despite his dedication, Pellinore never won the beast. Palomides took up the quest after his death.

The Questing Beast is seen as a symbol of: a highly active imagination; humuor; amusing daydreams; strong and sometime conflicting desires; feelings of disorientation; witnessing or being caught up in bizarre events; and a need to temper fantasy with practicality and sincere effort, if hopes and wishes are to become more than pipe dreams."

In other words, we Chimeras are impractical dreamers, but at least we know it.

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