Andrew, the Angel of Death
Touched by an Angel
More appropriately Andrew could be called "The Angel of Peaceful Death." He does not kill
people, nor does he actually have any power over life and death. Instead, he comforts those who are dying,
help them to come to terms with death, and then escorts their souls to Heaven when their time comes. He is an
extraordinarily kind and gentle angel, and who becomes upset at the grim connotations most people attach
to his work.
Andrew sometimes does "casework," but usually he shows up when it's some mortal's time to
leave the corporeal plane. Andrew can sense when a mortal is in imminent danger of death, he is able to attune
himself to a dying person and can communicate with the dying as if they were wide awake and fully-
functional, even if their corporeal form is comatose, drugged or even insane.
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