Edward Scissorhands
Edward Scissorhands
Once upon a time in a castle high on a hill lived an inventor whose greatest creation was named Edward.
Although Edward had an irresistible charm, he wasn't quite perfect. The inventor's sudden death left him
unfinished, with sharp shears of metal for hands.
He lives alone in a dark Gothic style castle creating masterpieces of topiary until he is discovered by the
local Avon lady who takes him home with her. Edward desperately tries to fit in to by sculpting hedges,
hairdos and dogs for the intrigued neighbors, but Edward is neither understood nor accepted by the suburbia
he suddenly finds him in. He is an outsider because of his good-natured naivete and his unusual appearance,
but in spite of all his good intentions he always ends up hurting people by merely wanting to touch them.
When Edward gets mixed up with the local nymphomaniac and a burglary attempt, his new "friends"
turn on him. Edward realizes that he will never fit in, that most people will never be able to see past his
appearance, so he retreats back to his own world.
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